Happy Hearts Tattoo has a ZERO tolerance policy for breaking the listed rules. Please be mindful of the words you say and the choices you make in our sacred space. We will not tattoo anyone who cannot follow these basic rules. You will not receive a warning, you will be asked to leave. Thank you for helping us create a safe and honorable space.


No racism, bigotry, homophobia, or hate of any kind.

No haggling. We are always happy to discuss budgets during consultations, but there is a difference between budgeting and haggling with an artist.

No drug or alcohol use of any kind. No smoking or vaping in the shop. We cannot tattoo you, legally, if you’re in an altered state. Do not enter the shop if you are under the influence.

No person under 18 years of age is allowed in the shop.

No eating or drinking is permitted inside the shop. It is against the rules of the Orange County health department, and we strive to keep the shop as clean as possible.

No photography of any of the art on the walls, tattoo artists, or clients inside the shop without their consent.

No staying after hours for tattoo work period. All tattooing must cease at closing time.

If you believe any of these rules are being breached during your time at the shop, please let us know immediately. If you think that we are missing anything or could improve these rules, please also let us know. Our biggest concern next to doing great tattoos, is to make sure every client feels safe, comfortable, and happy in our business. Thank you for reading and following these rules. Happy Hearts loves you!